

Special/Limited Edition Cider




MediumdryAt 146, we like to try things out; play about with different blends and even single varieties. Some may be made with competition in mind. Others are just for the fun of it - or because my daughter Cariad has decided that she wants to make her own cider... and she really is quite good at it!

What is below is the current range of 'special' or limited edition ciders.

Cariads Marvellous Cider

2012 vintage; a single variety Egremont Russet cider, this is a cider created by my daughter, Cariad, as a way of raising some spending money for a trip to Florida.

It retains the nuttiness of the russet, together with a smooth light taste. It is sold as a dry cider so you can enjoy the full flavour of the fruit.

Available only in a limited number of bottles

Fruitwise 2012 Vintage

This blend of all of the cider varieties that go into HampshireFruitwise 2012 Cider Heritage was originally intended for competition, and is available in a limited number of bottles.

With dry bold tones, this cider allows the charismatic apple varieties Yarlington Mill, Dabinett, Harry Masters Jersey, Tremletts Bitter, Kingston Black and Le Bret speak for themselves.


All 146 Cider Company ciders are full juice (<98%), and contain sulphites (to help preserve the cider and to control things).

At 146 Cider, we are very proud of our heritage methods and high quality cider. To demonstrate this, we publish the ingredients not only on the labels but also as an archive to this website. If you have a bottle in front of you, check out the archive to see what went in to it.



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